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Congo Crossword Puzzle

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5                     6            
        11 12                        
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3 congolese politician president of the democratic republic of congo
4 form of political corruption
5 province of congo rich in many valuable resources
6 Come from trees that were located in Katanga in that time it was very valuable starts with R
7 congolese politician who fought for independence of congo
8 french word for Overthrowing
9 Politician that owned chains of stores in Katanga
11 very expensive and valuable mineral found in Katanga province
1 name of Congo before may 17 1997
2 was president of leopoldville( congo) authoritarian
3 president of congo from may 1960 to 1965
4 belgium king who took over congo
10 mineral found in Katanga starting with C
12 One of the first resources from Katanga province starts with i
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