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Crash Crossword Puzzle

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Read each question carefully and figure out the word. Good Luck!!!

                              4   5
    6         7     8              
9         10                        
12                   13              
  14   15                            
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2 What was Crash referring Scooter's bed as?
3 What is the one thing Penn is able to challenge Crash at?
6 What's the name of Penn's pet?
8 What did Scooter fall from that made him go in the hospital?
10 What sport does Crash play?
11 Who is the one persone who doesn't call Crash by his real name?
12 What did Scooter get when he fell off the latter?
13 Who is the main character's sister?
14 What's the name of someone who does not believe in violence or war?
16 What's the name of Crash's bestfriend?
1 Where did Penn and his family live?
4 What type of pet does Penn have?
5 When Crash was smaller who did he '' crash '' into?
7 What's the name of Crash's grandfather?
9 Who is the main character?
10 How long will Scooter be staying with Crash and his family?
15 What word was Scooter only able to say when he came out of the hospital?
16 What animal was living in Crash's football bbag
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