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Criminality Liability

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                                R               C        
                                E               T     A  
        M E N S R E A           U               U     U  
                    M A N I F E S T C R I M I N A L I T Y
C O N C U R R E N C E                           L     O  
                    R                                 M  
            K N O W I N G P O S S E S S I O N         A  
                    C                                 T  
                  F A I L U R E T O I N T E V E N E   I  
                    N                                 S  
        S O M N A M B U L I S M                       M  
              C O N S T R U C T I V E                    
                  F A I L U R E T O R E P O R T          
                    N                                 L  
              G O O D S A M A R I T A N D O C T R I N E  
                    E                                 G  
                  C R I M I N A L O M I S S I O N     A  
                    R                                 L  
                    U                                 D  
                    L E G A L F I C T I O N           U  
              M E R E                                 T  
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4 mental element of a crime
6 intentions must be manifested acts; intentions alone not criminal
7 element of crime requiring act to flow from mens rea
8 when you are aware that you posseess the item
9 one forme of omission that is sometimes criminalized
10 sleepwalking; acts during this state are not voluntary
11 when the item is not on person or nearby, but it is under the person's control
12 one form of omission that is sometimes criminalized
14 legal duty to aid strangers in peril
15 failure to act that can constitute the act element of a crime
16 the leagl assumption that something is in fact, when it is not
17 when possessing something without knowing what it is
1 Latin term for the criminal act
2 having an object on one's person or within reach and control
3 mental state in which acts are not voluntary or conscious
5 rule in most US jurisdictions that, in general, there is not legal duty to aid a stranger in peril
13 you must do this; it is imposed by law, including statute, common law or contract
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