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Dangerous Crossing Crossword Puzzle

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Dangerous Crossing

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3 The number of miles the ship was blown off course.
5 How long did the storm continue when Johnny was on the ship? ( 2 words)
6 What did Johnny learn during his French lessons? (3 words)
7 The number of things Johnny's baggage included.
8 What do the Americans need much help of to achieve?
9 The part that was shattered on the ship when it was struck by lightning. (2 words)
1 The person Johnny was with when they stood on high grounds and watched the Battle of Bunker Hill three years earlier.
2 When did Captain Samuel Tucker welcome Johnny and his father aboard? (3 words)
4 The age of Johnny when he was about to set sail to France.
9 The month that Boston finally saw the coast of Europe.
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