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Developing Countries

        7                             8         9            
11                                         12                  
      15 16                                 17                  
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4 Number of people per square mile of land area.
5 The average remaining lifetime in years for persons who reach a certain age.
7 The legal or illegal export of a nation's currecy and foreign exchange.
10 Important international lending and edevelopment agency.
11 The taking over of foreign property without some sort of payment in return.
13 The condition in which the average number of births and deaths balance.
14 Formally known as the European Community.
15 Countries whose averageper capita GNP is a fraction of that in more industialized countries.
18 The number of live births per 1,000 people.
19 An agreement in which two or more countries abolish tariffs and trade restrictions among themselves and adopt uniform tariffs for nonmember countries.
1 Not repaying borrowed money.
2 The second stage of economic development.
3 Single currency for the European Union.
4 The first stage toward economic development.
6 The third stage of economic development.
8 A ten-nation group working to promote regional peace and stability, accelerate economic growth, and liberalize trade policies in order to become a free-trade area by 2008.
9 An agreement in which two or more countries reduce trade barriers and tariffs among themselves.
12 A group of producers or sellers who agree to limit the production or sale of a product to control prices.
16 Money borrowed from foreign banks and governments.
17 Loans that may never be paid back.
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