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Digestion Crossword Puzzle

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          1           2                    
      4                       5   6        
        7                         8        
    10                   11                  
        15                     16            
        17                         18        
        19       20     21                    
Across Down
4 a substance that reduces fat molecules into smaller droplets
5 enzyme that breaks down fat into glycerol and fatty acids
7 muscular contraction that moves food & wastes along the digestive tract
8 name of food as it leaves the stomach
9 organ where wastes are formed and water is reabsorbed
11 basic unit of carbohydrates
12 basic unit of proteins
14 organ where fat digestion first begins
15 acid found in stomach that kills bacteria
17 chronic inflammation of liver tissue
18 organ where carbohydrate digestion first begins
19 a device used to detect stomach ulcers
22 organ that produces bile
1 saliva contains this enzyme
2 vessel which absorbs fat-soluble nutrients
3 ball of food formed in the mouth
6 organ that produces insulin
7 circular muscle between the stomach and duodenum
10 enzyme that breaks down lactose
13 second part of the small intestines
16 a disease which involves an allergic reaction to gluten
20 enzyme that breaks down sucrose
21 enzyme that breaks down proteins
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