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Do you Know Johnny?

            N I N E T E E N N I N E T Y      
S M O K I N G                                
            T O U R E T T E S                
          V A N E S S A P A R A D I S        
D I V O R C E                                
            O W E N S B O R O K E N T U C K Y
            N                       W        
            E                       O        
            L O R I A L L I S O N            
            T H I R T E E N                  
      T H R E E                              
      S I X T E E N                          
Across Down
1 In what year did Depp's career take off?
2 At age twelve Depp started doing this
3 His parents thought he may have had this due to turning off light switches twice
4 Depp's first true love
5 At age fifteen Depp watched his parents go through this
6 This is Depp birth place
8 Who was Depp's first and only wife?
9 How many known tattoos does Depp have?
10 How many times was Depp nominated for best actor?
11 At what young age did Depp join the band called 'The kids'
1 Depp's first legitimate role was in this movie
7 How many kids does Depp have?
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