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Econ 101

                                          P                   E  
                                          R   A               G  
                                          I   R               A  
                                          C   B               L  
                                C         E   I               B  
                                A         M   T               A  
                                R         A   R               R  
                                T         K   A               R  
                                E         E   G               I  
                      M U T U A L I N T E R D E P E N D E N C E  
                      O                                       R  
                      N O N P R I C E C O M P E T I T I O N   S  
                      O                                     S    
                      P R O D U C T D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N
                      O                                     N   E
                      L                                     G   T
              M A R G I N A L R E V E N U E                 L   W
                      S                                     E   O
            M A R K E T S T R U C T U R E         P         S   R
                      I                           R         E   K
            P E R F E C T C O M P E T I T I O N   I         L   G
                      C                           C   E     L   O
    M A R G I N A L C O S T                       E   Q     E   O
                      M                           T   U     R   D
                      P R I C E D I S C R I M I N A T I O N      
T O T A L R E V E N U E                           K   L          
                      T                           E   I          
                  P R I C E L E A D E R S H I P   R   B          
                G     T                               R          
              B A R R I E R T O E N T R Y             I          
                M     O                   M           U          
                E     N A T U R A L M O N O P O L Y   M          
                T                     L   N                      
                H                     I   O                      
                E                     G   P                      
                O                     O   O                      
                R                     P   L                      
                Y                     O   Y                      
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5 is the degree to which members of the group are mutually dependent on the others. This concept differs from a dependent relationship, where some members are dependent and some are not.
6 a marketing strategy 'in which one firm tries to distinguish its product or service from competing products on the basis of attributes like design and workmanship
8 is the process of distinguishing a product or service from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This involves differentiating it from competitors' products as well as a fi
10 increase in revenue that results from the sale of one additional unit of output
11 the number of firms producing identical products which are homogeneous.
13 the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of
15 the cost added by producing one extra item of a product
16 the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.
17 the total receipts of a firm from the sale of some given quantity's of a product. It can be calculated as the selling price of the firm's product times the quantity sold
18 When a firm that is the leader in its sector determines the price of goods or services
20 obstacles that make it difficult to enter a given market.
22 a monopoly in an industry in which it is most efficient (involving the lowest long-run average cost) for production to be permanently concentrated in a single firm rather than contested competitively.
1 also known as barrier to entry, are obstacles that make it difficult to enter a given market.
2 a firm within monopolistic competition produces goods that are differentiated in some way from its competitors' products.
3 he simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.
4 an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
5 is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another.
7 selling a unique product in the market. In a monopoly market, the seller faces no competition, as he is the sole seller of goods with no close substitute.
9 a good that increases in value to each user as the total number of users increases. as a result a firm can achieve economies of scale.
12 a company that must accept the prevailing prices in the market of its products, its own transactions being unable to affect the market price.
14 a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
19 strategic moves and counter-moves of rivals.
21 Market structure, a single seller, a unique product and impossible entry to the market.
23 a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.
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