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          E L E C T R I C I T Y M E T E R
          E L E C T R I C S H O C K      
S T A T I C                              
          R E S I S T A N C E            
        V A N D E G R A A F F            
          N E U T R O N                  
        C U R R E N T                    
        E A R T H W I R E                
          T                   W     V    
        D O U B L E I N S U L A T I O N  
          R                   T     L    
                              T     T    
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1 Measures the amount of electrical energy used
2 Touching the metal wires of a plug can give you an
3 The kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head
4 The wiring in a house is designed to let current pass through it easliy, it has a low
5 Generator that creates static electricity
6 Particle that carries a negative charge
7 It is the electrical flow through a conductor
8 This wire usually has no current flowing through it
11 When all the electrical parts of an appliance are insulated
1 Materials that don't alllow electricity to flow through them easily
9 What is the unit of electrical power?
10 Potential difference
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