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English Terminology

Complete the crossword using the clues.

          A P O S T R O P H E   R    
            E                   A    
        C H R O N O L O G I C A L   M
            S                       E
          C O N J U N C T I O N S   T
            N                       A
    P A S S I V E                   P
            F                       H
            I                       O
            C A P I T A L L E T T E R
  A D J E C T I V E                  
            I                   S    
            O N O M A T O P O E I A  
P R O N O U N                   M    
Across Down
2 You can use this punctuation mark to show where letters are missing or ownership.
4 In date order.
6 After, although, because - are all...?
7 A sentence can be written in an active or ...... voice.
8 A proper noun must always begin with a .... (2 words)
9 A word that describes something or someone.
11 Using words which make a sound.
12 This can be used instead of a noun.
1 A noun can be singular or...?
3 When you given an object human qualities.
5 When describe something as if it really is something else.
10 When you compare one thing to another using as or like.
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