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Emperor Penguins Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Emperor Penguins

      M A L E       C      
        P         T H R E E
        R         W        
        I         E        
      F L E D G I N G      
          G       T        
          G       Y        
    S I X T E E N          
        C O L O N Y        
  C R E C H E S            
F I V E                    
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2 Does the male or the female look after the egg?
4 How many days can it take for a penguin to hatch out of its egg?
5 What is it called when penguin chicks lose their baby feathers and grow adult feathers?
7 About how many meals will a chick eat in 5 months?
8 Emperor Penguins live together in a big group called a…
9 What are groups of baby penguins called?
10 How long does it take for a chick to grow up?
1 Which part of the penguin’s body is used to keep the egg warm?
3 What month do penguins mate?
4 How many minutes can an emperor penguin stay underwater using only one breath?
6 What is the hard part on the baby penguins beak called?
9 What is the name given to the sound by which penguins recognise each other?
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