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Energy Crossword Puzzle Answer

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              H I G H E S T P O I N T                      
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5 The energy when sunlight reaches Earth.
6 Energy that is stored.
7 Mechanical's energy on an object is due on these two things.
8 Living plants do this to electromagnetic energy to chemical energy.
9 A toaster changes electrical energy to thermal energy is known as this.
10 The energy in fossil fuels is released during this.
11 This energy depends on mass and velocity.
12 The formula potential energy + kinetic energy helps you to find an object's what?
13 The energy stored in the bonds between atoms and molecules.
14 At what point does a ball thrown straight up in the air have the most potential energy?
1 These store chemical energy
2 This measures how much energy is transferred in a unit of time.
3 Kinetic energy is found in this type of object.
4 When energy does this to its form, energy is not lost or created.
5 The energy in springs and rubber bands.
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