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Energy and Electricity

                  1   2                    
      4                     5              
                          6       7        
        9     10                            
        14     15                            
              18       19                    
Across Down
2 scientist who conducted experiments in electromagnetism and developed a generator/motor
4 a push or pull on an object
6 another name for a 'battery'
9 A refrigerator magnet is a ___ magnet.
11 described by an object's direction and speed
12 describes a material that easily passes on electricity and heat
13 type of energy associated with stored energy or objects at rest
15 describes a material that resists the passage of electricity and heat
16 type of energy that is associated with objects in motion
18 Benjamin Franklin invented a ____ rod.
1 first name of the man who coined a jargon for the science of electricity
2 scientist who conducted experiments to prove that lightning is a form of static electricity
3 type of circuit: 'one bulb goes out, the rest stay lit'
5 the rubbing together of two or more surfaces-creates resistance and heat
7 scientist heavily associated with the development of the incandescent light bulb
8 type of energy that produces light
10 type of energy that is associated with the moving parts of a machine
14 type of circuit: 'on bulb goes out, they all go out'
17 path that electrons take as they flow through a conductor
19 type of energy that produces heat
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