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Energy Conservation

                  N                             S  
                C O A L O I L N A T U R A L G A S  
                  R E S O U R C E D E P L E T I O N
          F A L S E                                
                  N A T U R A L R E S O U R C E    
            T R U E                                
                C A R R Y I N G C A P A C I T Y    
G E O T H E R M A L                                
                  E N V I R O N M E N T A L        
      S U S T A I N A B L I L I T Y                
      O           E                                
      L           R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y    
      A           G                                
      R         H Y D R O E L E C T R I C          
      E                   C                        
  W I N D E N E R G Y     O                        
      E                   N                        
      R                   O                        
      G                   M                        
      Y                   I                        
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3 What are three examples of nonrenewable energy?
4 When a resource has reached the point at which it cannot regenerate itself, overusing resources that can read tp exhausting the supply.
5 Non-renewable energy is more expensive than renewable energy.
6 Anything people use for survival or progress that is taken from the environment.
7 Renewable and Nonrenewable energy are all from nature.
8 The number of organisms that can be sustained by the resources in an ecosystem.
9 What type of energy is heat stored inside the earth?
10 What type of argument is this to support renewable energy?(Social,Economic,Environmental) : Very few of renewable energy create pollution, a number of them do not. Which will not harm the environment or atmosphere verses a fossil fuel.
11 In harmany with natural systems and acting to maintain the health and intergrity of the enviroment.
12 Form of energy that is constantly and rapidly renewed, that comes from resources which are continually replenished. Ex: sunlight,wind,rain,tides,waves
13 What type of energy is harnessed off the power of moving water to create electricity?
15 What type of energy is kinetic that causes blades of wind turbines to turn?
1 What type of energy is created from trees and plants and is used to make ethanol, doesel, and other organic fuels. Includes crops and plant waste and the methane gas produced from decomposition.
2 Resources that can be exhausted or cannot be replaced quickly as consumed.
11 What type of energy uses solar cells to convert light energy directly into electrical energy?
14 What type of argument is this to support renewable energy? (Social,Econmoic,Environmental) : Renewable energy can create many new jobs for people.
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