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End of World War I

          N       W              
D A C H A U       E              
          R       I              
          E       M              
          M       A              
          B   V E R S A I L L E S
          E     N                
        P R O P A G A N D A      
          G     B                
            H O L O C A U S T    
          M E I N K A M P F      
            S W A S T I K A      
    F A S C I S T                
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3 The town in which the first concentration camp was set up in 1933
4 The Peace treaty signed at the end of World War I
6 The way that Hitler used media to persuade people to support the Nazi Party
7 The name given to the extermination of the Jews
8 The name of Hitler's book
9 The Nazi Symbol
10 The type of state that Nazi Germany became (Opposite of democratic)
1 The name of the laws that took away rights of Jewish people
2 The city in which the German democratic government was formed after World War I
5 The Act that gave Hitler and the Nazi party complete control
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