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                  9                                 10
              13                   14       15          
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4 body parts that are similar in structure and position but different in function
5 study of similarities and differences between the structures of living species
7 place where Darwin traveled to study many different species
8 body parts that are different in structure but similar in function
9 body parts that have lost their original function through evolution
11 breeding of organisms for desired characteristics
12 organisms with variations that help them survive the environment live longer and reproduce more
13 chart dividing Earth's history into time units based on changes in rocks and fossils
16 scientist who developed the theory of evolution
1 allows a species to blend in to its environment
2 change over time in populations of related organisms
3 all the fossils ever discovered on Earth
6 a slight difference in an inherited trait among members of a species
10 event that occurs when the last individual organism of a species dies out
14 resemblance of one species to another species
15 an inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of surviving
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