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Fences Crossword Puzzle

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                    18       19   20            
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3 The American _______________ is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work.
5 Troy has two sons: Cory and ____________________.
6 A variety of cuisine traditionally popular in African American culture.
9 Fences is set primarily in the dirt-yard and ________________ of the Maxson house.
10 The city that Fences is set; also the home of August Wilson.
11 The Second Great __________________ lasted from 1940 to 1970.
12 Troy used to play this sport.
14 It is a common stereotype that black people love to eat this fruit.
17 A major theme of Fences is Men and _________________________.
18 Also known as desegregation.
1 The title of the play.
2 Like Cory, we are soon going to go off to __________________.
4 Troy played baseball, but Cory is interested in ______________________.
7 Fences is structured like a ________________ song.
8 The literary genre of Fences.
10 The state is which Fences is set.
13 A name combined from the words Mason and Dixon.
15 Although they moved to the North, blacks still faced ________________.
16 A major theme of Fences is coming of age and ___hood.
19 For a living, Troy collects _______________________.
20 ______________ Americans moved to the North to escape the South.
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