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Organ System for Animals

Terms of parts of animals

                                        V         E         A                  
                                  P     E         P     A   R                  
                                  L     N   B R A I N   R   T E N D O N        
                                  A     T         D     T   E                  
                              H   C     R         E     E   R                  
                              E   E     I         R     R   I                  
                              A   N     C         M     I   O                  
                          P   R   T     L         I     E   L                  
                C       C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M                
                E         R                                 S                  
                R       C I R C U L A T O R Y S Y S T E M                      
                E         P                                                    
                B         H Y D R O C H L O R I C A C I D                      
                E         E                                   I                
        V E N U L E S     R                           D       N   P            
                L         A U T O N O M I C N E R V O U S S Y S T E M          
                U         L                           O   P   U   R            
              S M A L L I N T E S T I N E             D   I   L   I            
        U   B             E                           E   N   I   S T O M A C H
        R   R         L A R G E I N T E S T I N E     N   A   N   T            
        E   O             V                       V   U   L       A T R I U M  
        T   N     Y E L L O W M A R R O W         E   M   C       L            
        H   C             U                       I       O       S            
        R   H             S E B A C E O U S G L A N D S   R       I            
      C A P I L L A R I E S                       S       D       S            
      E                   Y                             R                      
P H A R Y N X   K         S A L I V A R Y G L A N D S   E                      
      E         E         T                             D E R M I S            
      B   T H Y R O X I N E             H   I           M                      
      R         A         M E D U L L A O B L O N G A T A                      
J E J U N U M   T               R   A   R   E     L     R                      
      M         I               E   R   M   U     U     R                      
                N               T   Y   O   M     C     O                      
                                E   N   N         A     W                      
                                R   X   E         G                            
                                S       S         O                            
Across Down
6 divided into three main parts: the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, and the cerebrum
7 connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
11 consists of the brain and the spinal cord
12 which consists of blood, the heart, and blood vessels, is respon- sible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells and for carrying metabolic wastes away from cells
13 acidic substance that breaks proteins down into shorter chains of amino acids.
15 vessels that take blood from capillaries and join to form a vein
18 controls activities that are not con - sciously controlled, such as functions of the heart, stomach, intestines, and bladder
20 the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.
23 is a muscular organ that stores food and moves it to the small intestine.
24 tores indigestible food, forms feces, and absorbs water
26 chamber of the heart that receives blood
27 consists mostly of fat and thus serves as an energy reserve
28 secrete oily substances that lubricate the hair and skin
29 microscopic blood vessels with walls formed of one layer of simple squamous cells. Exchange with tissue fluid takes place in capillaries
31 a short, muscular structure that serves as a passage for food and ai
33 secrete saliva to moisten food so it can be swallowed. Saliva also begins the breakdown of simple carbohydrates.
34 thick and sturdy layer of dense connective tissue beneath the epidermis
35 a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, influences body weight and lean tissue growth
38 controls reflex actions, such as breathing, swallowing, coughing, and blinking of eyelids
42 second segment of the small intestine
1 chamber of the heart that pumps blood into arteries
2 outer layer of epithelial cells.
3 mall arteries whose constriction and dilation are con - trolled by the nervous system to regulate blood pressure
4 organ that unites the fetus to the uterus, secretes relaxin to relax pel - vic ligaments during parturition. Parturition is the birthing process
5 carry blood away from the heart
8 four- chambered hollow muscle used to pump blood
9 nerve structures beyond the brain and spinal cord
10 part of the brain that regulates balance and movement through impulses received from the eyes, ears, muscles, joints, and skin
14 lowers blood sugar
16 first segment of the small intestine
17 series of wavelike, involuntary smooth-muscle contractions
19 major line through which impulses or messages are transmitted between the brain and various body parts
21 transports urine from to the urinary bladder to outside the body
22 passageways that branch off from the trachea and go into the lungs
25 transport blood toward the hear
29 largest and most active part of the brain
30 major site of blood cell and platelet formation
32 fibrous protein used to make horns, hooves, nails, hair (which covers the skin of all mammals), feathers, and the outer sheath of beaks and claws
36 chemical messengers that exert specific influence on organs and other body tissues
37 third segment of the small intestine and is where most nutrient absorption occurs.
39 are thick-walled, muscular tubes that connect the kidneys to the urinary bladder
40 short tube that connects the pharynx and the trachea
41 raises blood sugar
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