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Forces in Fluid

                                  T   D                
                    A T O M O S P H E R P R E S S U R E
                    R             R   A                
B U O Y A N T F O R C E           U   G                
                    H             S                    
              F L U I D           T                    
                  B E R N O U L L I S P R I N C I L E  
                  D E N S I T Y                        
                    P A S C A L P R I N C I P L E      
                  L I F T                              
                    P R E S S U R E                    
Across Down
3 the pressure caused by the weight of Earth's atmospher
4 theupward force that a fluid on allmatters; this force opposes gravitational force
5 any material can flow and that takes the shape of its container
6 the principle that state that the speed of moving fluid increase,it pressure decreaces
7 the amount of matter in a given space; mass per unit volume
8 the principle that states that a change in pressure at point of an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally to all parts of that fluid
9 an upward force on an object (such as a wing) caused by differences inn pressure above and below the object: opposes the downward pull of gravity
10 the amount of force exterted on a given area
1 the forward force produced by an airplane's engine; opposes drag
2 the force that opposes or restricts motion through a fluid:opposes thrust
3 the principle that states the buoyant force on an objectin a fluid ia an upward force equal to the weight of the volume of the fluid that the object displaces
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