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Forged byFire

                1       2                      
              3   4           5     6          
              10 11                              
    15   16   17                                  
              22           23                    
Across Down
1 Monique's addiction berfore Gerald left
5 The main character
8 The other friend of Gerald's on the basketball team
10 Author of Forged by Fire
12 Gerald and Rob's best friend
13 The sport Gerald plays
17 Helped Gerald during and after Jordan's trial
19 City where Forged by Fire takes place
20 How Aunt Queen die
22 Aunt Quenn's favorite holiday
24 How old was Gerald when he went back to live with Monique
25 How did Gerald get to his basketball games
2 How old Gerald was when Jordan came back
3 Where Rob and Andy live
4 Where was Angel born
6 Took Gerald in but died of a heart attack
7 The basketball team's manager
9 Gerald's step-father
11 Gerald's high school
14 Gerald's friend who is killed in a car accident
15 The name of Angel's cat
16 What Gerald got on his birthday from Aunt Queen
18 Monique's addiction when Jordan came back after prison
21 Gerald's favorite childhood toy
23 Gerald's mother
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