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Gene Regulation Crossword Puzzle

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Gene Regulation

                        1                 2      
                13       14                        
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5 prevents transcription from taking place
6 aids in RNA polymerase's binding to a promoter
7 rate at which mRNA is translated into a protein
8 proteins that are altered after formation, affecting transcription factors
9 addition of methyl groups to DNA to turn transcription off
10 improves rate of transcription when bound by specific proteins
11 production of multiple cells from one cell
12 acetyl groups bind to histones to loosen DNA structure, promoting transcription
13 sections of DNA able to change position within the genetic material
1 deletion/ absence of part of a gene
2 errors in the sequence of a replicated gene
3 increases strength/thickness of cells ex: glucocorticoid
4 proteins that affect and regulate the transcription of genes
14 process of removing introns and adding exons to produce different mRNA strands
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