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Genetics Crossword Puzzle

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                                        4   5  
                  9                           10
          11           12                        
13     14                                        
                    19           20       21     22
Across Down
2 a molecule that carries DNA to the ribosome
6 shaped like a twisted ladder called a double helix
7 does not code for proteins
8 building blocks of proteins
9 reproduction
12 the coronation of sugar and phosphate in DNA or RNA
13 a pair of genes where one is recessive and one is dominant
15 A monk in the 1800s who studied peas
16 4 squares that show the outcome of a trait
17 trait Tt or tT
19 A pair of chromosomes that have the exact same gene
23 Genetic material found in all cells
1 these include adenine thymine guanine and cytosine
3 A word in DNA language
4 Location in genes
5 A different form of a gene that may have for a trait
6 first step of gene expression
10 has two backbones made up of sugar and phosphate
11 copying something or someone
13 passing genes from one person to another
14 codes for proteins
18 having one of the two different alleles
20 alleles of a particular gene that are present in the homozygous
21 description of physical characteristics
22 trait tt
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