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              C O R R E S P O N D I N G S I D E S
              O                               G  
            I N C L U D E D S I D E           S  
              R I G I D M O T I O N              
    H Y P O T E N U S E                          
              T R A N S L A T I O N              
              I N C L U D E D A N G L E          
D I L A T I O N                                  
        R E F L E C T I O N                      
              S I M I L A R T R I A N G L E S    
Across Down
2 are a pair of matching sides that are in the same spot in two different shapes.
3 The side between two angles
4 motion which preserves distance
5 the longest side of a right triangle, opposite the right angle.
6 A slide
7 The angle between two sides
8 produces an image that is the same shape as the original, but is a different size
9 on the opposite side of the y or X-axis
10 Triangles are similar if their corresponding (matching) angles are congruent
1 The two sides besides the hypotenuse
2 If three pairs of sides of two triangles are equal in length, then the triangles are?
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