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Greece Crossword Puzzle

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                        1     2                  
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  10                                       11      
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                22       23                        
24           25                                    
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4 When Greek language and ideas spread to SW Asia
7 Citizens share running the government
10 A Greek philosopher and teacher whose ideas spread
12 A great military leader who helped spread Greek art
13 Study of nature and meaning of life
14 Homeland for Athens
16 A type of government for mass meetings to decide government matters
17 An island that lies SE of the Greek mainland
18 Greek invaders who became the first Greek kings
19 Persian leader who united his people into a powerful empire
20 Helped Athens defeat Persia and fought against Athens
22 Created a new council to help the assembly
24 A government which a small group holds power
1 One of the two city-states who fought against Persia
2 Greek serfs or slaves
3 A type of government where the people can vote
5 An early city-state which runs like an independent country
6 He made the Golden Age of athens flourish with art and creativity
8 A plan or method designed to achive a goal
9 A Greek philosopher who invented the teaching method
11 An early metting place used for markets and meeting place
15 People who take power by force
21 A physical area that shares common features
23 Canceled farmers' debts and freed slaves
25 A settlement in a new territory that kepps close ties to its homeland
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