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Griffith Park Observatory Words

                      1           2                      
                  5                       6              
                8                               9        
        13                         14   15                  
            20                           21                
                  22                 23                    
Across Down
5 system of planets, moons, asteroids, comets
7 Where pluto is
8 a place for observing & studying astonomy
10 path followed by an object under influence of gravitational forces
11 anything that is not from earth
13 the study of space, planets, galaxies
16 molecules are free to move around
17 solid change into a gas (skips liquid)
18 plant process
19 atoms smashed together with heat and pressure & release more energy
20 basic unit of matter
22 organism that adapts to survive extreme environments
24 continuous transformation of water to solid, gas or liquid
1 combination of 2 or more molecules
2 pure substance, one type of atom
3 a massive collection of stars and planets
4 icy space object with tail of gas & dust
5 unchanged environment
6 stony metallic object-shooting star
9 a zone around a star where conditions a favorable for water
12 a fluid state of matter
14 orbits sun, massive, 8
15 wet & fluid state of matter
21 instrument to view distant objects
23 tendency for an object to keep its current state of motion
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