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Hardworking Insects Crossword Puzzle

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Hardworking Insects

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3 The taste and color of honey depend on the type of ____________ the bees visited.
4 Social insects live in a group called a __________.
7 Honey is made from ___________.
8 Dairy ants keep herds of _________.
9 Ants that live in tropical rainforests and cut and carry leaves are called ____________ ants.
1 The bee or ant that lays eggs is called the ___________.
2 _______________ are bees that make honey.
5 Honeybees produce _______ and honey.
6 A honeybee's dance forms a _________ that tells other bees where pollen or nectar is located.
8 The Bible uses the actions of the ____ as an example of being wise.
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