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How Well DO You Know England%3f Crossword Puzzle Answer

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How well do you know England?

    O R P H A N A G E                        
  C H L O R E A                              
  C O M M O N S                              
            I N D U S T R I A L I Z A T I O N
        P O V E R T Y                        
            C H R I S T I A N I T Y          
C R I C K E T                                
            O L I V E R T W I S T            
        S H I L L I N G                      
Across Down
1 Common place where parent-less children lived
3 Common disease where there is feces in water
4 One of the houses of Parliament
5 The rise of technology
6 One of England's biggest social problems
7 The most popular religion of England
8 The most popular sport of England
9 Famous book written by Charles Dickens
10 The rise of technology
2 The current leader of England
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