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Human Body Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Human Body Systems

            3                           4  
              6           7                
                10     11     12              
Across Down
3 It is iron-containing protein in red blood cells
5 Is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body
6 Are the smallest of a body's blood vessels that make up the microcirculation
8 To process to breathe in
9 Also known as the voicebox
10 The process to breathe out
13 This organ relaxes and moves back up, the elasticity of the lungs and chest wall pushes air out of the lungs
1 Is an airway in the respiratory tract that conducts air into the lungs
2 is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide
4 They are tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream
7 This process requires oxygen (O2) in order to create ATP
11 Is a small molecule used in intracellular energy transfer
12 A hollow tube that connects to the Larynx and is also known as the voicebox
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