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Human Immune System

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              C                 Y                    
              A                 M                    
              L Y M P H O C Y T E S                  
                B O N E M A R R O W                  
  C Y T O K I N E S                                  
                  M A C R O P H A G E                
M I C R O B I O M E                                  
  N               M               A                  
  N       A N T I B O D I E S     C                  
  A               R           P   Q                  
  T               A           H   U                  
  E             I N F L A M M A T I O N              
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                    P U S     O   E   U              
                      K       C   D   T              
                      O       Y       R              
                      C       T       O              
                      Y       E       P H Y S I C A L
                      T               H              
                      E       P A S S I V E          
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3 B and T cells are this type of immune cell
5 Where leukocytes are produced
6 Released by phagocytes to communicate further immune responses in the brain
7 A type of phagocyte that engulfs invading pathogens
8 Your bodies built-in cellular defense
11 Also called immunoglobulins, these proteins lock onto specific antigens of invading pathogens. .
13 A result of immune cells releasing histamines, causing the blood vessels to swell.
16 A collection of dead phagocytes as a result of 'overworking' them at the site of an infection
17 The skin and mucous membrane are examples of this type of barrier
18 Type of immunity that is 'borrowed' from a source for a short time (eg. antibodies from mothers breast milk)
1 Lysozymes in tears and stomach acid are examples of this type of barrier
2 An antimicrobial enzyme found in your tears
4 Part of innate defence, this wet layer that lines your nose, mouth and other openings traps pathogens in it.
9 The first line of defense against pathogens. It is non-specific and includes physical, chemical and cellular barriers.
10 You develop this type of immunity throughout your life by getting exposed to disease and being vaccinated
12 Macrophages, neutrophils, basophils and dendritic cells are this type of WBC.
14 A different name for white blood cell.
15 A type of phagocyte that targets bacteria
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