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Island OF The Unknowns Crossword Puzzle

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Island of the Unknowns

          2           3                            
      5             6                              
                                    8 9            
    10                       11                      
12             13     14                       15      
        17                             18            
                  20   21   22   23   24                
Across Down
3 The direction Ham told Di and Tom to find first while using the compass.
7 The group Virgil is in charge of.
8 Mrs. Clarke left a clue with this.
10 The worst hazard in Mrs. Johnson's class in first period.
12 Di has a habit of twisting this.
14 The math teacher in the middle school Di and Tom go to.
17 Di's real name.
18 The security guard who lives in Mrs. Clarke's trailer.
19 3rd person to vanish.
20 The person who discovered the triangle rule Di and Tom used to solve the first clue.
1 Di found information about pi by using this.
2 The Poets chased Di because they thought Di had this.
4 Mr. Pink is a(an) ______________ from the plant.
5 Di, Tom, and Ham used this to make sure they were going straight.
6 The name of the plant that is next to Adjacent.
9 The name of the mountain that is next to Adjacent.
11 The month where this book started.
13 The person who owns the grocery store.
15 Owen Wilfred makes everyone call him by this name.
16 The name of the person who disappeared first.
20 People of Adjacent wanted this.
21 Adjacent is full of these.
22 The place where this book takes place in.
23 Di and Tom goes into the pipe by going through this thing.
24 The type of hat Tom always wears.
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