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James Bond

                  2 3                                          
                6                                   7   8     9
12   13                                                          
                15                               16              
                          20               21                    
                  22               23                            
Across Down
2 i always enjoyed learning a new tongue
4 That to bad Bond. You could,ve been a live rich man
5 Red wine with fish. Well, that should have told me something
6 Bond, I need you back
10 Girl: But James, I need You! Bond: So does England!
11 A duel between titans. My golden gun against your Walter PPK
13 This is for my brother
14 Yes, this is my second life
15 That's putting it mildly, 007
17 I though Christmas came once a year
18 You Know youre cleverer than you look
22 Good morning, gentleman. ACME pollution inspection, we're cleaning up the world
1 Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you
3 There's Always something formal about the point of a pistol
7 Try to ba a little less than you frivolous self, 007
8 You don't trst anyone, do you
9 In my business, you prepare for the unexpected
12 Some men are coming to kill us. We're going to kill them first
16 Bond, James Bond
19 Good god!
20 No, Mr. Bond I expect you to die!
21 Well, I must say, I've had a lovely evening
23 My department knows I'm here. When I don't repot, they'll retaliate
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