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Lemony Snicket

                          N           I          
                          I           N          
P R O S P E R L O S T     C           K          
                    H     K           I          
                  B E L L E R O P H O N T A X I  
                    S     T           C          
                B L A C K C A T C O F F E E   R  
                    I                         O  
            K I T S N I C K E T               A  
                    D                         D  
                  C L U S T E R O U S F O R E S T
                    I                         T  
              H A N G F I R E                 E  
                    H                         R  
                    T H E L O S T A R M S        
                  B O M B I N A T I N G B E A S T
                    S T A I N D B Y T H E S E A  
            M O X I E                 A          
Across Down
3 The owner of the Lost Arms.
5 A taxi business run by 2 kids and their father who is always sick.
6 One of the last remaining businesses in Stain'd by the Sea.
8 Lemony's sister.
9 A forest of seaweed.
10 The criminal in all the books.
11 The last hotel in Stain'd by the Sea.
12 A statue that was 'stolen' but it really wasn't.
13 A town that has faded away ever since the drained the ocean for ink.
15 One of Lemony's friend.
1 Lemony_________.
2 The biggest company in the history of Stain'd by the Sea.
4 Where the Mallahans live and where the old newspaper was based.
7 What Theodora calls her car.
14 A big, long cable used to hang clothes to dry.
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