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Literary Genres Crossword Puzzle

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Literary Genres

Complete the crossword puzzle. AVOID erasures!

                        2   3          
                    7 8                
                    10                 11
18         19                            
Across Down
2 story of gods and goddesses
6 it gives moral lesson
7 the good character lives happily ever after
9 involves real people and events
10 a product of spoken and written works
12 account of an individual written by another person
13 a story told in many different versions
15 a lyrical poetry consisting 5-7-5 pattern
16 lyric poem of 14 lines with a formal rhyme scheme
18 the person who is involved in writing both prose and fiction
19 dramatic genre that is intended to amuse or gives laughter
1 tends to be more expressive and decorated
3 Romeo and Juliet is under what genre?
4 a writing of someone's daily experiences
5 a particular style or type of writing
8 a biography written by the subject
11 a literary composition of someone's own ideas on a subject or topic
13 a product of imagination
14 it uses ordinary language
17 The story of how Mayon Volcano evolved in an example of?
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