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Literary Terms

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3 A figure of speech comparing two unlike things, usually with 'Like' or 'As'
4 A contrasting parallelism of expressions, sentences, or ideas
5 characteristic of a spoken language
6 General to specify groups, individuals, objects or events
7 addressing a personified object or an absent person as though present
10 The use of words whose pronunciation suggest their meaning
12 A combination of two apparently contradictory words
13 Pattern and form of sentences
14 A claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning
1 A gross exaggeration for rhetorical effect
2 A figure of speech in which a point is made by a denying opposite, understatement
4 The repetition of a initial sound or accented syllables
6 Novelty replacements for words/phrases
8 Simile, metaphor, analogy, personification, allusion
9 A figure of speech in which a name of things is used for something else
11 A figure of speech in which things are said to be another thing without 'Like' or 'As'
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