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The History of Medicine

Complete the crossword puzzle

                  H O O K E    
K         V               D    
O         A R I S T O T L E    
C A R S O N               L    
H         L I N N A E U S      
  P A S T E U R       L        
          U           I        
    D A R W I N       S        
          E           T        
W A T S O N           E     J  
          H I P P O C R A T E S
          O         R       N  
      S   E         I       N  
  F R A N K L I N   C       E  
      L             K       R  
Across Down
2 Discovered the cell
5 1st person to try and classify different types of animals and determine the function of organs
6 determined that pesticides make people ill
7 father of taxonomy
8 Developed pasteurization
10 Established theory of evolution
11 Determined structure of DNA
13 He established medicine as a true profession
16 produced images of DNA
1 studied genetics
3 Identified causes of TB
4 1st to observe microoranisms under a microscope
9 Used antiseptic and sterile surgery
12 Discovered 1st vaccine
14 Determined structure of DNA
15 created polio vaccine
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