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Meteors Crossword Puzzle

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          7                       8  
11                     12   13         14
              15   16             17    
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5 Result of a flash of light brighter than the sun
6 Result of the Earth crossing paths with a comets meteoroid stream
7 Piece of debris from space that has landed on the Earth's surface
9 Piece of debris as it travels through space
10 Km/s- maximum speed a meteor can get
11 Cause of the streak of light that we know as a meteor
15 Most meteors do this before ever reaching the surface of the Earth
18 ____84001- meteorite that holds possible evidence of Martian life
19 A grain of this is the average size of a meteorite
1 Main source of meteor showers
2 Largest known meteorite on planet Earth
3 Most abundant category of meteorites
4 Average temperature of a meteor in fahrenheit
8 Most meteorites are _____than the Earth
12 This many grams is the average weight of a meteorite
13 Meteor shower named after the constellation Perseus
14 Piece of space debris entering into the Earth's atmosphere
16 This type of meteor can result in a meteorite
17 Main source of sporadic meteors
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