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Neck And Trunk Crossword Puzzle

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Neck and Trunk

  5                     6          
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2 any amount of lateral curve in the vertebral column is this pathological condition
3 muscle that spans the anterior trunk in the midline
4 outer portion of the disk consisting of several concentrically arranged fibrocartilaginous rings that contain the nucleus pulposus
5 the articulation between the superior atricular process of the vertebra below with the inferior articular process of the vertebra above
7 occur when there's weakness or degeneratin of the annulus fibrosus
8 deformity of the neck in which a person's head is laterally bent to one side and rotated toward the other side
9 muscle thats insertion is the 12th rib, transverse process of all five lumbar vertebra
10 articulations between the atlas and axis are known as these joints
11 forms the posterior inferior part of the cranium
1 1st cervical vertebra upon which the cranium rests
2 long, superficial, straplike muscle that originates as two heads from the medial aspect of the clavicle and the superior end of the sternum
6 the second cervical vertebra, forms a pivot
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