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The Leatherback Sea Turtle

                        T U R T L E  
                      N     E        
                      E     D        
                      S   M A T U R A
                      T     T        
  I L L E G A L       I     O        
              E N D A N G E R E D    
              A       G              
I N S T I N C T                      
              H A T C H L I N G      
  R E P T I L E                      
      I N C U B A T E                
              C A R A P A C E        
              K           L          
          J E L L Y F I S H          
Across Down
2 A sea reptile
4 A nesting beach in Trinidad
5 Against the law
7 When an animal is close to extinction
8 Behaviour that animals are born knowing
9 A young animal that has just come out of its egg
10 A cold-blooded animal that lays eggs has a backbone and scaly skin
11 To warm eggs by body heat
12 Top side/Shell of a sea turtle
14 Leatherback turtle's food
1 An animal that eats other animal
3 Use or build a nest.
6 A type of sea turtle
13 Group of eggs in a nest