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Parts OF The Body Crossword Puzzle

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Parts of the Body

                                2                   3
10       11                                            
                    12                               13
                15   16                                
Across Down
6 A kind of muscle that works without a person's control
7 A tough, rubbery tissue that makes up parts of the skeleton
8 A kind of muscle that a person can control
10 Allows you to think, feel, and respond
12 Allows you to breath
14 Works with moves to let you move
16 Holds you upright
17 Turns food into fuel for the body
1 A group of body parts that work together to perform a special job
2 A strong cord of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
3 A strong flexible tissue that holds bones togehter at a joint
4 the basic unit of all living things, including the human brain
5 Carries blood through the body
9 A group of cells that look alike a work together to do a certain job
11 A body part that does a special job within a body system
13 A body tissue that can tighten ot loosen to move body parts
15 The place where two bones come together
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