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Photosynthesis Crossword Puzzle

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          1                   2       3        
4                                         5    
        6                           7          
      9                       10                
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1 Molecules that collect light energy
4 What is the chemical equation of photosynthesis
6 Other then Sunlight what are the two other things plants need for Photosynthesis
8 the leaves turn orange and red because of lack of..
9 What do Plants need to start photosynthesis
11 What two things are made during the light dependent reaction
12 What do Plants take in from the air Seven/ Carbon Dioxide What gas do plants let into the air
13 Chlorophyll absorbs what colors the best
14 The light independent reaction is also called
15 Synthesis means....
1 Where photosynthesis occurs.
2 What enzymes are found in the light dependent reaction is going on in the Calvin Cycle
3 The stacks of thylakoids found inside chloroplasts are called
5 When ATP's energy is released, this molecule is created.
7 Green light is _____________________ by plants.
10 Photo means.....
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