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Plant Vocabulary

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2 A plant organ that absorbs energy from the sun and processes water, oxygen and carbon dioxide; the organ where photosynthesis happens in plants.
3 A tissue in vascular plants that conducts food from the leaves and other photosynthetic tissues to other plant parts.
4 Pores on the surface of a plant that allow gases to move into and out of the plant.
5 A plant organ that takes in water and nutrients from the soil.
7 The hard, spiny leaves of trees.
8 A cluster of wooden scales produced by a conifer tree; the cluster carries the tree's seeds .
1 a compound tissue in vascular plants that helps provide support and that conducts water and nutrients upward from the roots.
3 An organism that makes its own food; an organism that does not consume other plants or animals.
4 The part of a plant that grows away from the roots; supports leaves and flowers.
6 a yellow powder produced by the stamen of a flower; pollen fertilizes the pistil of another flower
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