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Plasma Knowledge Power

        I D E N T I F Y D O N O R   F        
            Q                       O        
            U N I T C O N T R O L N U M B E R
            I                       R        
          K P I                              
          H E M A T O C R I T                
    B R E N T                                
            I N D I R E C T C O O M B S      
A L B U M I N                         P      
            C E N T R I F U G E       V      
            D I S T I L L E D W A T E R      
            T E N Y E A R S                  
          H E M O L Y S I S                  
        S C O T T                            
          E T H I C S                        
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1 What are you suppose to do at each critical control point?
4 What does UCN stand for?
5 The center is graded every month through this?
6 This measures the ratio of red blood cells in your blood
7 Who is your Regional Quality Manager?
8 What sample is drawn every 90 days?
10 First plasma treatment ever used?
11 A device used to separate RBC's/plasma.
12 What solution do we use to calibrate the refractometer?
13 What is the life span of frozen plasma?
14 Rupturing of Red Blood Cells.
15 Who is your Regional Operations Manager?
16 Moral principles that govern a person's behavior.
2 What do you open when you take equipment out of service?
3 How many venipunctures are you allowed to perform to complete a procedure?
9 What CAPA are we using to help prevent overdraws?
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