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Shakespeare's Sonnets Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Shakespeare's Sonnets

      T H E B A R D                
    I A M B I C P E N T A M E T E R
      F O U R T E E E N            
      R H Y M I N G C O U P L E T  
T H O U                            
      P E R S O N I F I C A T I O N
  Q U A T R A I N                  
S T A N Z A                        
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2 Shakespeare's nick name
3 The rhyming scheme's name
4 The number of lines in a sonnet
5 The last two lines of a sonnet
6 This word means 'you'.
7 Giving non-human things, human qualities
8 The number of lines in a stanza.
9 The 'paragraphs' in poetry.
1 The name of Shakespeare's birthplace
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