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Sherlock Holmes The Sign OF Four Crossword Puzzle

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Sherlock Holmes The Sign of Four

        3 4                      
                            5   6
          11           12          
13       14                        
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3 The woman that the treasure belongs to.
7 The maid who works fo Mr. Sherlock Holmes
8 The man who stole the treasure.
10 The man who had the jewels at the start.
11 The man who owns Toby
13 He tells the story.
1 The man who was transporting the jewels.
2 The name of the boat that the criminal uses.
4 He is the main character.
5 The thing that was stolen.
6 The setting of the story.
9 He is the criminals assistant.
12 The man who owns the Aurora.
14 He is the dog that helps solve the crime.
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