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    C H E C K O U T          
    R   A                    
    E   R                    
    F I T T I N G R O O M    
    U   M                    
    N   E X C H A N G E      
    D   N                 Q  
        T                 U  
        S U P E R M A R K E T
        T                 U  
D I S C O U N T           E  
      R E C E I P T          
Across Down
2 'I need to go to the ........ so I can pay for my items.'
4 'I need to go to the ....... .... so I can see if this is these jeans are the right size.'
5 'This top does not fit me, I am going to ........ for a different size.'
7 'I need to go to the ........... so I have everything I need to make dinner tonight.'
8 'Because I am a student I get 10% ........'
9 'When I paid for my items I was given the .......'
1 'I found all different types of products in the .......... ..... for example, lipstick, perfume and clothes.'
3 'I don't like this item, I am going to take it back to the store and get a ......'
6 'I am going to wait in the ... so I can pay for my items.'
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