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Simple Machines

                                    P O W E R
                                    W O R K  
          W                           U      
          E                           T      
          D                           P      
          G                           U     L
        M E C H A N I C A L A D V A N T A G E
J U O L E                                   V
        C O M P O U N D M A C H I N E       E
        H                                   R
      M A C H I N E                          
        I N C L I N E D P L A N E            
      W A T T                                
    W H E E L A N D A X L E                  
W O R K I N P U T                            
P U L L E Y                                  
      S C R E W                              
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2 the rate at which work is done
3 force x distance moved in direction of force
6 the number of times that the machine increases an input force
7 A unit of work equal to one newton-meter
8 a combination of two or more simple machines that operate together
9 A device that makes work easier by changing the size or direction of a force
10 A flat surface set at an angle or an incline with no moving parts that is able to lift objects by pushing or pulling the load
11 A measure of power equal to one joule of work per second.
12 a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes; the wheel is the larger of the two circular objects
13 the work done on a machine
14 A type of lever that is a wheel with a groove in its rim, which is used to change the direction or multiply a force exerted by a rope or cable
15 A simple machine that is an inclined plane wrapped around a central cylinder to form a spiral
1 the work done by a machine
4 a simple machine that is an inclined plane that moves
5 a simple machine that consists of a bar that pivots at a fixed point called a fulcrum
6 is a comparison of a machine's work output with the work input
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