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Simple Organic Compounds Vocabulary

2           3                                            
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2 unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one pair of carbons joined by a double covalent bond
4 hydrocarbons that have double or triple covalent bonds between two or more carbon atoms
5 hydrocarbons that have single bonds between the carbon atoms
6 when two atoms share three pairs of electrons
7 two atoms that share two pairs of electrons
8 organic compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon
9 a compound that contains carbon
10 saturated hydrocarbons
11 compounds that have the same chemical formula but are designed with a different structure
12 when two atoms share one pair of electrons
1 Unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one pair of carbons joined by a triple covalent bond
3 hydrocarbons that have one or more hydrogen atoms replaced by a specific element or group of elements
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