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Socializing The Individual Crossword Puzzle

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Socializing the Individual

    5     6                                    
              11             12                  
                13               14   15          
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2 The interactive process through which individuals learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of society.
3 The unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested component of our personality and self-identity.
4 The internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society.
6 Systematic study of the biological basis of all social behavior.
7 The sum total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and values that are characteristic of an individual.
8 A setting where individuals are isolated from others for a set period of time and are subject to the control of officials of varied ranks.
10 The interactive process by which we develop an image of ourselves based upon how we imagine we appear to others.
11 The part of our identity that is aware of the expectations and attitudes of society--our socialized self.
13 Involves breaking with past experiences and the learning of new values and norms.
1 Taking or pretending to take the role of others.
2 The people closest to us.
5 The transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to children.
7 A primary group composed of individuals of roughly equal age and social characteristics.
8 Clean slate
9 Our conscious awareness of possessing a distinct identity that seperates us from other members of society.
12 Includes newpapers, magazines, books, televisions,radio, films and other forms of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between the individuals sending the information and those receiving it.
14 The unchanging, biologically inherited behavior pattern.
15 The capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a particular body of knowledge.
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