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Sound, Light And Magnets Crossword Puzzle

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Sound, Light and Magnets

                1             2              
          4                                 5
                    14     15     16            
        17                           18        
Across Down
7 The angle measured between the normal and the incident ray
8 A material that a magnet has made magnetic
9 Magnet created using electicity
10 The process where light bounces of a shiny object
11 The area around a magnet where a magnetic force can be detected
12 The ray created from light bending inside an object
13 The ray that leaves once it has passed through a boundary
17 Tiny magnets inside a magnet of magnetic material
1 The process where a spectrum is created
2 The process where light passes through an object and bends
3 If you can hear something it is ____
4 Another word for rainbow
5 The ray that enters a boundary
6 Another word for sound
7 The angle measured between the normal and the reflected ray
14 What causes sound
15 Used to find which direction to travel. This uses magnets
16 Without it you wouldn't be able to see
17 It has a North and South pole
18 You can hear it
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