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South America Crossword Puzzle

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South America

                  2   3             4   5      
      7     8                                  
          17                           18        
Across Down
7 The driest dessert in the entire continent
9 What connects South America and North America
10 How tall is Angle falls
11 Who made the Galapagos islands famous
13 The Largest River in South America
15 South America is only continent to have these creatures
17 The largest rainforest in the World
19 What is the native language of Brazil
21 The Largest Producer of Natural Nitrate.
1 Largest flying bird in the World
2 They settles in South America before Amerigo Vespucci
3 the largest mountain range in South America
4 One of the only land-locked countries in South America
5 What is the Southern most city in the world
6 The largest Country in South America
8 The large statue in Rio De Janeiro
12 What is the highest city in Bolivia
14 What was discovered in Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo in 1914
15 The former legendary Brazilian Futbol player
16 Called the land of Cattle and Wheat
18 What is the Spanish way of saying South America
19 One of the leading countries in the fishing industry
20 What is the capital of Ecuador
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